Matcha Talk

Ep. 21 – The Day I Flew

Samar and Samia play a game:

  • Parental Love vs. Allah’s Love
  • Played a game of asking deep questions with eachother.
  • Samar answered childhood based questions
  • Samia answered value-based questions.

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Basic Breakdown

Samar and Samia share that they will be playing a game of answering deep questions. We learn that Samar does not have any furniture in her apartment and prefers to sit in a rolled up futon.

They jump to the segment Comment Caffeine and share Camelia Bloom Podcast’s response on one of their post on social media. They discuss the “Twilight Series” with Samar saying that she enjoyed it and Samia saying the opposite.

Samia talks about hearing the Freshly Grounded podcast and their new now-sold out card game where each card has insightful questions that are meant to open up communication. In their latest episode, the host was asked a question about sharing one fact that fewer than 5 people know about him. He responded with the extent of his love for his son and him wanting nothing but love back.

They book discuss this response – different love languages, parental expectations based on culture and upbringing. Then, they connect it back to Allah’s Love for us which only has one language and is a simple, pure, wholesome love.

The game of asking questions start and Samia will ask Samar childhood-based questions and Samar will ask value-based ones.

The first question goes to Samar in which she was to explain her favorite childhood memory. She shares the memory of when she flew – meaning as a child, she was on top of the roof and a dust storm carried her towards the edge. Although it was a scary moment for all of the adults, her and her siblings enjoyed it and still remember it. Samar remembers the scent at times and associates it with something beautiful and positive.

Samia responds to the question on what she values more, material things vs. experience. She shares that she values experience but is struggling with the idea of wanting a beautiful home. Samar reassures her that being in a home which she finds pleasing is also an experience.

Then, Samar is given the question on what she admires the most about her parents. She responds with the sacrifice and difficulty they separated for so long with her father going to the United States with her mother in Pakistan. The challenges they faced and the difficult decisions they made is one reason why Samar admires her parents.

Samar asked Samia the question on how she has changed over the past 10 years. Samia answers that she has changed valuing her peace of mind rather than appeasing to a human being. Also her idea of marriage where she had an idea of what she wanted in her married life and the reality of her marriage has changed her as a person. Samar mentions that it isn’t value change and Samia explains how it is. She refers to the previous episode, Single and No Mingle, where the attachment to an “ideal life” was part of the discussion. She has learned to attach herself to herself, rather than an “ideal life” has shifted her values.

They talk about the sahaba who was a little harsher when he was older and he had a beautiful funeral.

Samia hopes that they won’t be cranky. Samar says that maybe the older a person becomes, the more unapologetic they become. They wish they could be completely apologetically Muslim as well.

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