• My Top 5 YouTubers

    If the internet was not part of our every day, I would be taking daily trips to the library and spending copious amount of time with grandmothers to learn to do the basics. There is absolutely no exaggerations here.…

  • Five Ways to De-Stress

    One of the top contributing factors to modern day illness is stress.  Through my personal experience and watching those close to me, I have learned that inability to effectively deal with stress causes not only emotional instability but also…

  • Getting a Cat? Here is What You Need

    Did the Furry Fairy bite you while you were sleeping?  As for me, it bit me many years ago and I began to dream about having cats.  My mom, however, was entirely opposed to the idea and so my…

  • August Happenings, 2017

    It is the midway point of this wonderful month of August.  This also happens to be the hottest month of the year, every year, here in our desert southwest.  The streets light up as the sun meets the horizon…

  • July Happenings, 2017

    In this summer, I think I have learned the art of becoming a hermit.  The blaring sun has me with drawn blinds and hissing at the thought of venturing out to even visit the garden.  Admittedly, the lack of…

  • My Thyroid Taught Me About Love

    If you have been following me on instagram, then you are aware of my life-changing situation.  It has taken me a bit of courage, a bit of self confidence, and a bit of vulnerability to write this post detailing…